About Paul Seward

Paul is a Linux sysadmin looking after the servers behind the ResNet and eduroam networks, and the main campus DNS infrastructure at the University of Bristol. He's been using unix of one flavour or another for more than 2 decades, and is still constantly surprised by useful commands he didn't know existed.

Migrating gitlab projects

If you’re migrating a gitlab project from one server to another, unless the two gitlab instances are the same major revision you may run into a couple of problems with the export/import procedure.

The first error you’re likely to hit is something like:

The repository could not be imported.
Error importing repository into pp-computing/todo-list - Import version mismatch: Required 0.1.8 but was 0.1.6

This is because whenever there is a potentially “dangerous” change to the import script, gitlab “fails safe” and refuses to import the project. If the two numbers are reasonably close together (and your project is straight forward enough that you can carefully check the users, permissions, wiki pages, issues and milestones etc then you can try this to pretend that your export tarball is newer than it really is:

mkdir project_export
tar xfv old_export_file.tar.gz -C project_export
cd project_export
echo '0.1.8' > VERSION
tar czf experimental_new_project_export.tar.gz *

If you have milestones in your project, you may hit another error if you’re migrating from a gitlab instance that is older than 9.5 is:

Error importing repository into my-group/my-project - Validation failed: Group milestone should belong either to a project or a group.

The workaround for this one appears to be to import your project into your personal gitlab space, and then “move” it to your group space.

If you hit any errors not covered in the above, let us know below!

(And don’t forget you’ll need to update your remotes in any checked out working copies you have!)

Making suexec work…

suexec is a useful way of getting apache to run interactive magic (cgi scripts, php scripts etc) with a different user/group than the one that apache is running as.

Most configuration guides tell you:

  • Add “SuexecUserGroup $OWNER $GROUP” to your apache config
  • Look in /var/log/httpd/suexec.log to see what’s going wrong

What they don’t tell you, is that suexec makes some assumptions about where to find things it will execute, and that you can’t guarantee that log location is consistent across distros (or even versions of the same distro). I’m setting this up on CentOS 7, so the examples below were produced in that environment.

You can get useful information about both of the above by running the following:

[myuser]$ sudo suexec -V
-D AP_DOC_ROOT="/var/www"
-D AP_HTTPD_USER="apache"
-D AP_SAFE_PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"
-D AP_USERDIR_SUFFIX="public_html"

AP_DOC_ROOT and AP_USERDIR_SUFFIX control which paths suexec will execute. In this case we’re restricted to running stuff that lives somewhere under “/var/www” or “/home/*/public_html”

If you’ve got content elsewhere (for example, an application which expects to be installed under /usr/share/foo/cgi-bin) then it’s not sufficient to put a symlink from /var/www/foo/cgi-bin to /usr/share/foo/cgi-bin as suexec checks the actual location of the file, not where it was called from.

This is sensible, as it stops you putting a symlink in place which points at something nasty like /bin/sh.

AP_GID_MIN and AP_UID_MIN limit which users/groups suexec will run stuff as. In this case it won’t run anything with a GID < 100 or a UID < 500. This is sensible as it stops you running CGI scripts as privileged system users.

The GID limit is probably not an issue, but the UID limit might cause wrinkles if you look after one of the 18 UoB users who have a centrally allocated unix UID that is under 500 (because they’ve been here since before that was a problem)[1]

AP_LOG_SYSLOG is a flag that says "send all log messages to syslog" – which is fine, and arguably an improvement over writing to a specific log file. It doesn’t immediately tell you where those messages end up, but I eventually found them in /var/log/secure… which seems a sensible place for them to end up.

Once you’ve got all that sorted, you’ll need to make selinux happy. Thankfully, that’s dead easy and can be done by enabling the httpd_unified boolean. If you’re using the jfryman/selinux puppet module, it’s as easy as:

selinux::boolean { 'httpd_unified': }

I think that’s all the bumps I’ve hit on this road so far, but if I find any more I’ll update this article.

[1] but then again, if you look after them (or one of the 84 users whose UID is under 1000) you’re probably already used to finding odd things that don’t work!

git – deleting local branches that were merged upstream

Like most people, we’re using git right at the centre of our puppet config management workflow. As I’ve mentioned previously, it features prominently in my top 10 most frequently used commands.

Our workflow is based around feature branches, and quite often we end up in a situation where we have a lot of local branches which have already been merged in the copy held upstream on github/gitlab/etc.

Today, I looked and noticed that while we only had 4 active branches on the gitlab server I had 41 branches locally, most of which related to features fixed a long time ago.

This doesn’t cause much of a problem although it can get confusing (especially if you’re likely to re-use a branch name in the future) – 41 branches is enough that deleting them one at a time by hand is tedious.

It looks like some gui tools/IDEs will take care of this for you, but I’m a command line kinda guy, and the git command line tools don’t seem to quite have this functionality baked in.

After a bit of poking about, I came up with the following approach which deletes any branch which no longer exists upstream.

# Delete all stale remote-tracking branches in origin.
git remote prune origin

# "git branch -vv" now includes the word "gone" against branches which the previous command removed, so
# use awk to identify those branches and plumb the list into "git branch -d" which will delete them locally
git branch -vv | awk '/: gone\]/ { print $1 }' | xargs git branch -D

The above seemed to do the right thing for the two repos I tested it on, but well… you might want to try it on something unimportant before you trust it!

NB if a branch has only ever existed locally (and never appeared under origin), it should leave it alone. But I’ve not tested that bit either.

Nagios – aggregating performance data


The Wireless team use Nagios to monitor our servers. As well as availability monitoring, we use pnp4nagios to collect and graph performance data. This works reasonably well for us, and we can easily draw graphs of everything from CPU temperature to how many queries/second our mariadb servers are handling.

However, the graphs are drawn on a per-host basis, which wasn’t a problem until now…

Like a lot of people at UoB, we’re migrating services to the f5 load balancers so that we can scale them out as we need to. Services which were previously single hosted are now fronted by several servers in a load balanced configuration.

It would be nice to be able to combine performance data from multiple nodes so we can get a picture of how many queries/second the entire pool is handling. As I’ve written about previously, this sort of information is very useful when it comes to capacity planning.

The f5 will tell us how many tcp/udp connections it’s handling for that pool, and the amount of traffic, but that’s not quite the same thing as the number of queries. Nagios has that information, it just can’t graph it easily.

I had a look around at a few nagios plugins that claimed to solve this problem. The best one I could find looked difficult to deploy without dragging in more dependencies than we wanted to maintain on a production box. It’s licence wasn’t particularly conducive to hacking it about to make it deployable in our environment, so I wrote my own from scratch.

It’s available from here: https://github.com/uobnetops/nagios_aggregate_perfdata

The plugin works by scanning through the status.dat file on the nagios server itself, summarizing the checks/hosts which match. It then reports the sum (or average if that’s what you prefer) as perfdata for nagios to graph.

If you think it might be useful to you, please use it! If you spot something it doesn’t do (or doesn’t do as well as you like) we’re more than happy to accept pull requests or issues logged through github.

DNS Internals: delegating a subdomain to a server listening on a non-standard port

I’m writing this up because it took me quite some time to get my head around how to do this, and I found answers around the internet varying from “not possible” through to “try this” (which didn’t work) and “switch off this security feature you really like having” (no)

I found a way to make it happen, but it’s not easy. I’ll walk you through the problem, and how each way I attempted to solve it failed.

All the names below are hypotheticals, and for the sake of argument we’re trying to make “foo.subdomain.local” resolve via the additional server.

Suppose you have two DNS servers. One which we’ll call “NS1” and one which we’ll call “NS-NEW”.

  • NS1 is a recursive server running bind, which all your clients point at to get their DNS information. It’s listening on port 53 as standard.
  • NS-NEW is an authoritative server which is listening on a non-standard port (8600) and for these purposes it’s a black box, we can’t change its behaviour.

You want your clients to be able to resolve the names that NS-NEW is authoritative for, but you don’t want to have to reconfigure the clients. So NS1 needs to know to pass those queries on to NS-NEW to get an answer.

Attempt 1 – “slave zone”
My first thought was to configure NS1 to slave the zone from NS-NEW.

zone "subdomain.local" {
        type slave;
        file "/var/named/slave/priv.zone";
        masters { $IP_OF_NS-NEW port 8600; };

This didn’t work for me because NS-NEW isn’t capable of doing zone transfers. Pity, as that would have been really neat and easy to manage!

Attempt 2 – “forward zone”
Then I tried forwarding queries from NS1 to NS-NEW, by using binds “forward zone” features.

zone "subdomain.local" {
        type forward;
        forward only;
        forwarders { $IP_OF_NS-NEW port 8600; };

This didn’t work because NS1 is configured to check for valid DNSSEC signatures. The root zone says that all its children are signed, and bind takes that to mean that all the grandchildren of the root should be signed as well.

The software running on NS-NEW isn’t capable of signing its zone information.

It doesn’t appear to be possible to selectively turn off DNSSEC checking on a per-zone basis, and I didn’t want to turn that off for our whole infrastructure as DNSSEC is generally a Good Thing.

Attempt 3 – “delegation”
I did think I could probably work around it by making NS1 authoritative for the “local.” top level domain, then using NS records in the zonefile for “local.” to directly delegate the zone to NS-NEW.

Something like this:

$TTL 86400	; default TTL for this zone
$ORIGIN local.
@       IN  SOA  NS1.my.domain. hostmaster.my.domain. (
                     2016031766 ; serial number
                     28800      ; refresh
                     7200       ; retry
                     604800     ; expire
                     3600       ; minimum
        IN  NS  NS1.my.domain.

; delegated zones
subdomain  IN  NS NS-NEW.my.domain.

Unfortunately that doesn’t work either, as it’s not possible to specify a port number in an NS record, and NS-NEW isn’t listening on a standard port.

Attempt 3 – “a little of option 2 and a little of option 3”
Hold on to your hats, this gets a little self referential.

I made NS1 authoritative for “local.”

zone "local" {
        type master;
        file "/var/named/data/zone.local";

I configured NS records in the “local.” zone file, which point back at NS1

$TTL 86400	; default TTL for this zone
$ORIGIN local.
@       IN  SOA  NS1.my.domain. hostmaster.my.domain. (
                     2016031766 ; serial number
                     28800      ; refresh
                     7200       ; retry
                     604800     ; expire
                     3600       ; minimum
        IN  NS  NS1.my.domain.

; delegated zones
subdomain  IN  NS NS1.my.domain.

I then configured a “subdomain.local.” forward zone on NS1 which forwards queries on to NS-NEW

zone "subdomain.local" {
        type forward;
        forward only;
        forwarders { $IP_OF_NS-NEW port 8600; };

To understand why this works, you need to understand how the recursion process for a query like “foo.subdomain.local.” happens.

When the query comes in NS1 does this:
– do I already know the answer from a previously cached query? Let’s assume no for now.
– do I know which DNS server is responsible for “subdomain.local.” from a previously cached query? Lets assume no for now.
– do I know which DNS server is responsible for “local.” – ooh! Yes! That’s me!
– now I can look in the zone file for “local.” and look to see how I resolve “subdomain.local.” – there’s an NS record which says I should ask NS1 in an authoritative way.
– now I ask NS1 for an answer to “foo.subdomain.local.”
– NS1 can then forward my query off to NS-NEW and fetch an answer.

Because we haven’t had to go all the way up to the root to get our answer, we avoid encountering the DNSSEC issue for this zone.

Did you really do it like *that*?
Yes and no.

The above is a simplified version of what I actually had to do, as our production equivalent of NS1 isn’t a single server – and I had to take account of our zone file management process, and all of that adds complexity which I don’t need to go into.

There are also a few extra hoops to jump through to make sure that the “local.” domain can only be accessed by clients on our network, and to make sure that our authoritative infrastructure doesn’t “leak” the “local.” zone to the outside world.

What would you have liked to have done?
If NS-NEW was able to listen on a standard port, I’d have used a straight delegation to do it.

If NS-NEW was able to sign it’s zone data with DNSSEC, I’d have used a simple forward zone to do it.

NS-NEW isn’t *quite* the black box I treated it as in this article, but the restriction about not being able to make it listen on port 53 is a real one.

The software running on NS-NEW does have a feature request in it’s issue tracker for DNSSEC, which I’ll watch with interest – as that would allow me to tidy up our config and might actually enable some other cool stuff further down the line…

25 years of Internet at University of Bristol

25 years ago today, the University of Bristol joined the Internet.

Well, that’s the headline – but it’s not entirely accurate. By 1991, the University had been connected to other universities around the UK for a while. JANET had been established in 1984 and by 1991 had gateways to ARPANET so by the “small i” definition of internet we were already on the internet.

These days, when we talk about “the Internet” we’re mostly talking about the global TCP/IP network.

In 1991 JANET launched the JANET IP Service (JIPS) which signalled the changeover from Coloured Book software to TCP/IP within the UK academic network. [1]

On the 8th March 1991, the University of Bristol received it’s allocation of the block of public IPv4 address space which we’re still using today.

What follows is a copy of the confirmation email[2] we received from the branch of the American Department of Defence (NIC) which was responsible at the time for allocating address space, and it describes the Class B network had been assigned to us.

---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: 08 March 1991 12:46 -0800
From: HOSTMASTER@mil.ddn.nic
To: RICHARD.HOPKINS@uk.ac.bristol
Cc: hostmaster@mil.ddn.nic


The new class and network number for BRISTOL-NET is:

Class B, #

NIC Handle of technical POC is: RH438

The NIC handle is an internal record searching tool. If a new Technical
Point of Contact was registered with this application a new NIC handle
has been assigned. If the Technical POC was already registered at the
NIC but their handle was not provided in the application, it has been
listed here for your reference and for use in all future correspondence
with the NIC.

If you require the registration of any hosts or gateways on this
network in the DoD Internet Host Table maintained by the NIC, send the
names and network addresses of these hosts and gateways to

PLEASE NOTE: The DoD Internet Host Table has grown quite large and
is approaching the limits of manageability. The NIC strongly
discourages the registration of new hosts in the table except in
cases where interoperability with MILNET is essential.
At most, the NIC is prepared to accept no more than 10 initial
registrations from new networks. We encourage you to register any
new hosts or gateways with the domain name servers that will handle
the information your hosts.

It is suggested that host number zero in any network be reserved (not
used), and the host address of all ones (255 in class C networks) in any
network be used to indicate a broadcast datagram.

The association between addresses used in the particular network
hardware and the Internet addresses may be established and maintained by
any method you select. Use of the address resolution procedure
described in RFC 826 is encouraged.

Thanks again for your cooperation!
Linda Medina
---------- End Forwarded Message ----------

So happy quarter-of-a-century-of-IPv4 everyone!

[1] Dates taken from Hobbes’ Internet Timeline http://www.zakon.org/robert/internet/timeline/
[2] The sharp-eyed amongst you will have noticed the format of the To: address that was in use at that time…

Dell servers, warranty facts and refresh-mcollective-metadata

On our physical Dell servers we install the dell-omsa packages which give us the ability to monitor our underlying hardware.

With that in place, you can use facter to report on all sorts of useful things about the hardware, including the state of the warranty.

The fact which checks warranty information, uses dell-omsa to pull the service tag of the server and submits it to Dells API – which then returns info about the status of your warranty.

You can then use mcollective to report on this. This can be really useful if you can’t remember what you bought when!

Unfortunately, from time to time it breaks and we start getting cronjob output which looks like this:

Could not retrieve fact='warranty_end', resolution='': undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
Could not retrieve fact='warranty_days_left', resolution='': can't dup NilClass
Could not retrieve fact='warranty_start', resolution='': undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
Could not retrieve fact='warranty_end', resolution='': undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

This happens just frequently enough to be a familiar problem for us, but not frequently enough for the fix to stick in my mind!

Googling for the error messages yeilds a couple of mailinglist threads asking about this error and how to work around it – which were both started by my colleague Jonathan Gazeley the first time we hit the problem. [1]

There are no actual fixes in those threads, although one post did hint at the root cause being mcollective caching the result of the Dell API call – without actually stating where it gets cached.

So, it’s strace time!

sudo strace -e open /usr/libexec/mcollective/refresh-mcollective-metadata 2>&1 | less

Skip to the end, and page back until you get to the bit where it starts complaining about the warranty fact, and you find that it’s trying to open /var/tmp/dell-warranty-XXXXXXX.json where XXXXXXX is the service tag of the hardware.

open("/var/tmp/dell-warranty-XXXXXXX.json", O_RDONLY) = 3
Could not retrieve fact='warranty_end', resolution='': undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
Could not retrieve fact='warranty_days_left', resolution='': can't dup NilClass

In our most recent case, the contents of that file looked like this:

$ cat /var/tmp/dell-warranty-XXXXXXX.json 
  "GetAssetWarrantyResponse": {
    "GetAssetWarrantyResult": {
      "Response": null,
      "Faults": {
        "FaultException": {
          "Message": "The tag you sent is not present. Check your separator character and ensure it is |.",
          "Code": 4001

That looks a lot to me like the API call failed for some reason.

The fix is to remove that stale cache file and re-run the mcollective-refresh-metadata script.

$ sudo rm /var/tmp/dell-warranty-*.json
$ sudo /usr/libexec/mcollective/refresh-mcollective-metadata

Then inspect the cached file again. It should now contain a lot of warranty info.

If it doesn’t, well… then you need to start working out why, and that’s an exercise left for the reader!

[1] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/puppet-users/LsK3HbEBMGc/-DSIOMNCDzIJ

I freely admit that the intent behind this post is mostly about getting the “fix” into those google search results – so I don’t have to resort to strace next time it happens!

Striving to be agile in a non-agile environment

I recently read a post over at the Government Data Services blog, which struck a chord with me. It was titled How to be agile in a non agile environment

I work in the Wireless/DNS/ResNet team. We’re a small team and as such we’re keen to adopt technologies or working practices which enable us to deliver as stable a service as possible while still being able to respond to users requirements quickly.

Over the last few years, we’ve converged on an approach which could be described as “agile with a small a”

We’re not software developers, we’re probably better described as an infrastructure operations team. So some of the concepts in Agile need a little translation, or don’t quite fit our small team – but we’ve cherry picked our way into something which seems to get a fair amount of bang-per-buck.

At it’s heart, the core beliefs of our approach are that shipping many small changes is less disruptive than shipping one big change, that our production environment should always be in a deployable state (even if that means it’s missing features) and that we collect metrics about the use of our services and use that to inform the direction we move in.

We’ve been using Puppet to manage our servers for almost 5 years now – so we’re used to “infrastructure as code” – we’ve got git (with gitlab) for our source code control, r10k to deploy ephemeral environments for developing/testing in, and a workflow which allows us to push changes through dev/test/production phases with every change being peer reviewed before it hits production.

However – we’re still a part of IT Services, and the University of Bristol as a whole. We have to work within the frameworks which are available, and play the same game as everyone else.

The University isn’t a particularly agile environment, it’s hard for an institution as big and as long established as a University to be agile! There are governance processes to follow, working groups to involve, stakeholders to inform and engage and standard tools used by the rest of the organisation which don’t tie in to our toolchain particularly nicely…

Using our approach, we regularly push 5-10 production changes a day in a controlled manner (not bad for a team of 2 sysadmins) with very few failures[1]. Every one of those changes is recorded in our systems with a full trail of who made what change, the technical detail of the change implementation and a record of who signed it off.

Obviously it’s not feasible to take every single one of those changes to the weekly Change Advisory Board, if we did the meeting would take forever!

Instead, we take a pragmatic approach and ask ourselves some questions for every change we make:

  • Will anyone experience disruption if the change goes well?
  • Will anyone experience disruption if the change goes badly?

If the answer to either of those questions is yes, then we ask ourselves an additional question. “Will anyone experience disruption if we *don’t* make the change”

The answers to those three questions inform our decision to either postpone or deploy the change, and help us to decide when it should be added to the CAB agenda. I think we strike about the right balance.

We’re keen to engage with the rest of the organisation as there are benefits to us in doing so (and well, it’s just the right thing to do!) and hopefully by combining the best of both worlds we can continue to deliver stable services in a responsive manner and still move the services forward.

I feel the advice in the GDS post pretty much mirrors what we’re already doing, and it’s working well for us.

Hopefully it could work well for others too!

[1] I say “very few failures” and I’m sure that probably scares some people – the notion that any failure of a system or change could be in any way acceptable.

I strongly believe that there is value in failure. Every failure is an opportunity to improve a system or a process, or to design in some missing resilience. Perhaps I’ll write more about that another time, as it’s a bit off piste from what I indented to write about here!

What’s using all my swap?

On a couple of occasions recently, we’ve noticed swap use getting out of hand on a server or two. There’s been no common cause so far, but the troubleshooting approach has been the same in each case.

To try and tell the difference between a VM which is generally “just a bit tight on resources” and a situation where process has run away – it can sometimes be handy to work out what processes are hitting swap.

The approach I’ve been using isn’t particularly elegant, but it has proved useful so I’m documenting it here:

grep VmSwap /proc/*/status 2>&1 | perl -ne '/\/(\d+)\/[^\d]*(\d+) (.B)$/g;if($2>0){$name=`ps -p $1 -o comm=`;chomp($name);print "$name ($1) $2$3\n"}'

Lets pick it apart a component at a time.

grep VmSwap /proc/*/status 2>&1

The first step is to pull out the VmSwap line from the PID status files held in /proc. There’s one of these files for each process on the system and it tracks all sorts of stuff. VmSwap is how much swap is currently being used by this process. The grep gives output like this:

/proc/869/status:VmSwap:	     232 kB
/proc/897/status:VmSwap:	     136 kB
/proc/9039/status:VmSwap:	    5368 kB
/proc/9654/status:VmSwap:	     312 kB

That’s got a lot of useful info in it (eg the PID is there, as is the amount of swap in use), but it’s not particularly friendly. The PID is part of the filename, and it would be more useful if we could have the name of the process as well as the PID.

Time for some perl…

perl -ne '/\/(\d+)\/[^\d]*(\d+) (.B)$/g;if($2>0){$name=`ps -p $1 -o comm=`;chomp($name);print "$name ($1) $2$3\n"}'

Dealing with shell side of things first (before we dive into the perl code) “-ne” says to perl “I want you to run the following code against every line of input I pipe your way”.

The first thing we do in perl itself is run a regular expression across the line of input looking for three things; the PID, the amount of swap used and the units reported. When the regex matches, this info gets stored in $1, $2 and $3 respectively.

I’m pretty sure the units are always kB but matching the units as well seemed safer than assuming!

The if statement allows us to ignore processes which are using 0kB of swap because we don’t care about them, and they can cause problems for the next stage:

$name=`ps -p $1 -o comm=`;chomp($name)

To get the process name, we run a “ps” command in backticks, which allows us to capture the output. “-p $1” tells ps that we want information about a specific PID (which we matched earlier and stored in $1), and “-o comm=” specifies a custom output format which is just the process name.

chomp is there to strip the ‘\n’ off the end of the ps output.

print "$name ($1) $2$3\n"

Lastly we print out the $name of the process, it’s PID and the amount of swap it’s using.

So now, you get output like this:

automount (869) 232kB
cron (897) 136kB
munin-node (9039) 5364kB
exim4 (9654) 312kB

The output is a little untidy, and there is almost certainly a more elegant way to get the same information. If you have an improvement, let me know in the comments!

SysAdmin Appreciation Day

Blimey, the “last Friday in July” has rolled round again quickly, and today marks International SysAdmin Appreciation Day.

So, I’d like to say a heartfelt thank you to all the sysadmins I interact with in IT Services!

Not just the linux/unix guys I work directly with, but the Windows team who provide me with useful things like authentication and RDP services, the network team who keep us talking to each other, the storage and backups team who provide me with somewhere to keep my data and anyone else who provides me with a service I consume!

You’re all doing great work which no one notices until it breaks, and then you unfailingly go above and beyond to restore service as soon as possible.

Thankyou my fellow sysadmins! I couldn’t do my job without you all doing yours.